/* * This file is auto-generated by makecpool. * g:\CWEB\web2c\web2c\Debug\makepool.exe gdtex */ #include #include #define EXTERN extern extern int makestring ( void ) ; extern unsigned char * strpool; extern int poolptr; static const char *poolfilearr[] = { "buffer size", "pool size", "number of strings", "" "?" "?" "?", "m2d5c2l5x2v5i", "End of file on the terminal!", "! ", "(That makes 100 errors; please try again.)", "" "? ", "Type to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,", "R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,", "I to insert something, ", "E to edit your file,", "1 or ... or 9 to ignore the next 1 to 9 tokens of input,", "H for help, X to quit.", "OK, entering ", "batchmode", "nonstopmode", "scrollmode", "...", "insert>", "I have just deleted some text, as you asked.", "You can now delete more, or insert, or whatever.", "Sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation.", "Maybe you should try asking a human" "?", "Sorry, I already gave what help I could...", "An error might have occurred before I noticed any problems.", "``If all else fails, read the instructions.''", " (", "Emergency stop", "TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [", "If you really absolutely need more capacity,", "you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.", "This can't happen (", "I'm broken. Please show this to someone who can fix can fix", "I can't go on meeting you like this", "One of your faux pas seems to have wounded me deeply...", "in fact, I'm barely conscious. Please fix it and try again.", "Interruption", "You rang" "?", "Try to insert some instructions for me (e.g.,`I\\showlists'),", "unless you just want to quit by typing `X'.", "main memory size", "AVAIL list clobbered at ", "Double-AVAIL list clobbered at ", "Doubly free location at ", "Bad flag at ", "New busy locs:", "LINK(", "INFO(", "[]", "CLOBBERED.", "foul", "fil", " plus ", " minus ", " []", "Bad link, display aborted.", "etc.", "Unknown node type!", "unset", "box(", ")x", ", shifted ", " columns)", ", stretch ", ", shrink ", ", glue set ", "- ", "< -", "rule(", "insert", ", natural size ", "; split(", "); float cost ", "glue", "nonscript", "mskip", "mu", "", "leaders ", "kern", " (for accent)", "mkern", "math", "on", "off", ", surrounded ", " (ligature ", "penalty ", "discretionary", " replacing ", "mark", "vadjust", "flushing", "copying", "vertical mode", "horizontal mode", "display math mode", "no mode", "internal vertical mode", "restricted horizontal mode", "math mode", "' in vertical mode", "' in horizontal mode", "' in display math mode", "' in no mode", "' in internal vertical mode", "' in restricted horizontal mode", "' in math mode", "semantic nest size", "### ", " entered at line ", " (language", ":hyphenmin", " (\\output routine)", "### recent contributions:", "prevdepth ", "ignored", ", prevgraf ", " lines", " line", "spacefactor ", ", current language ", "this will be denominator of:", "lineskip", "baselineskip", "parskip", "abovedisplayskip", "belowdisplayskip", "abovedisplayshortskip", "belowdisplayshortskip", "leftskip", "rightskip", "topskip", "splittopskip", "tabskip", "spaceskip", "xspaceskip", "parfillskip", "thinmuskip", "medmuskip", "thickmuskip", "[unknown glue parameter!]", "skip", "muskip", "pt", "output", "everypar", "everymath", "everydisplay", "everyhbox", "everyvbox", "everyjob", "everycr", "errhelp", "toks", "parshape", "box", "void", "current font", "textfont", "scriptfont", "scriptscriptfont", "catcode", "lccode", "uccode", "sfcode", "mathcode", "pretolerance", "tolerance", "linepenalty", "hyphenpenalty", "exhyphenpenalty", "clubpenalty", "widowpenalty", "displaywidowpenalty", "brokenpenalty", "binoppenalty", "relpenalty", "predisplaypenalty", "postdisplaypenalty", "interlinepenalty", "doublehyphendemerits", "finalhyphendemerits", "adjdemerits", "mag", "delimiterfactor", "looseness", "time", "day", "month", "year", "showboxbreadth", "showboxdepth", "hbadness", "vbadness", "pausing", "tracingonline", "tracingmacros", "tracingstats", "tracingparagraphs", "tracingpages", "tracingoutput", "tracinglostchars", "tracingcommands", "tracingrestores", "uchyph", "outputpenalty", "maxdeadcycles", "hangafter", "floatingpenalty", "globaldefs", "fam", "escapechar", "defaulthyphenchar", "defaultskewchar", "endlinechar", "newlinechar", "language", "lefthyphenmin", "righthyphenmin", "holdinginserts", "errorcontextlines", "charsubdefmin", "charsubdefmax", "tracingcharsubdef", "[unknown integer parameter!]", "count", "delcode", "parindent", "mathsurround", "lineskiplimit", "hsize", "vsize", "maxdepth", "splitmaxdepth", "boxmaxdepth", "hfuzz", "vfuzz", "delimitershortfall", "nulldelimiterspace", "scriptspace", "predisplaysize", "displaywidth", "displayindent", "overfullrule", "hangindent", "hoffset", "voffset", "emergencystretch", "[unknown dimen parameter!]", "dimen", "EQUIV(", "notexpanded:", "hash size", "csname", "endcsname", "IMPOSSIBLE.", "NONEXISTENT.", "accent", "advance", "afterassignment", "aftergroup", "begingroup", "char", "delimiter", "divide", "endgroup", "expandafter", "font", "fontdimen", "halign", "hrule", "ignorespaces", "mathaccent", "mathchar", "mathchoice", "multiply", "noalign", "noboundary", "noexpand", "omit", "penalty", "prevgraf", "radical", "read", "relax", "setbox", "the", "valign", "vcenter", "vrule", "save size", "grouping levels", "curlevel", "retaining", "restoring", "SAVE(", "Incompatible magnification (", ");", " the previous value will be retained", "I can handle only one magnification ratio per job. So I've", "reverted to the magnification you used earlier on this run.", "Illegal magnification has been changed to 1000", "The magnification ratio must be between 1 and 32768.", "ETC.", "BAD.", "->", "begin-group character ", "end-group character ", "math shift character ", "macro parameter character ", "superscript character ", "subscript character ", "end of alignment template", "blank space ", "the letter ", "the character ", "[unknown command code!]", ": ", "Runaway definition", "Runaway argument", "Runaway preamble", "Runaway text", "<*>", " ", " ", "